This article is proprty of FSHD Society. Did you know we have an active group of international FSHD advocacy leaders, the World FSHD Alliance? We meet every three months to discuss global strategies. The members bring impressive skills and backgrounds to this task and often share information that we think is valuable to all.

The “Women on Wellness” Zoom group is for women with FSHD to discuss female-focused health and other topics. These notes are from the November 3, 2021, meeting, which began with discussion about finding clothing that is easier to manage.. Courtesy of FSHD Society. Original article here

The UILDM FSHD Group interviewed Fabiola Bertinotti, volunteer and international representative of the association at the most important organizations for facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy.

By Fabiola M. Bertinotti (volunteer and international representative of the association at the most important organizations for FSHD)


The TOP question

The queen of all the questions coming from the world of FSHD patients is “when will we have a cure?”. In more concrete terms, this question translates into understanding what the panorama of the various scientific studies currently underway in the world looks like.

Maria Giovanna Tortora, 32 years old, received the diagnosis of facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy at 14. At the time, there was still not much information about the disease.

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